Saturday, January 24, 2009

Sirus and his stomach problems.

Sirus has not been going to the bathroom well for a while now. About a week ago he was badly constipated. He got to the point were he didn't want to even eat but showed no other signs of being sick. We took him to the vets this week and they did X-rays. There was what looked like a bone in his colon. The vet thought that it should come out on its own and gave him a couple of enemas then sent him home with some stool softeners. Well we spent the next couple days searching his....deposits... for the bone fragment.

Now this is not a job I want to do. Thank goodness I had ken there. See I figured ken was better equipped to run his fingers through this since he is used to reading braille. Now envision this. I send a blind guy out to the yard (I was nice enough to lead him to the pile of crap) which rubber gloves and let him run his fingers through the deposit to see if there is any bone fragments in the pile.

We did not find it and ended up taking him back to the vet on Saturday to see what the X-Rays showed. It seems the bone or what ever it was is now gone but no idea why he is still not eatting. The vet did some blood work and his white blood cell count was slightly high. The vet gave him an antibotic shot and sent him home with some antihbotics to take over the next few day. So now we just hope the high blood cell count was because of an upset stomach and not something left in the stomach causing a blockage.

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