Tuesday, January 13, 2009

German Shepherd Cross with a Horse

Well Sirus (My German shepherd) will have his 1 year birthday in 2 days. He went to the vet for his vacinations and such and weighed in at a whopping 90 pounds. The dog is still slim so he is not over weight. All I can say is Wow! He is doing pretty good on his obedience. I know he would do better if i was not lazy LOL but over all eh does well. There have been a few times he has gotten away from me (gate left open, got loose at a rest stop while traveling etc) and he has come back and I think that is the most important thing of them all.

I was taking him to a fellow that was working with us on the advanced obedience commands but when I got whooping coup he would not reschedual the appointments to make up for when I was too sick to go outslde. In his defense he did tell me ahead of time that it was '4 weeks' not '4 lessons' but I think for the price he charged he could have done a bit more. It was a place called Kentuckiana k9. The lessons where rather lacking also. I paid him $250 for 4 lessons and the lessons often lasted less then 20 minutes. He had a good reviewm on a page so I thought he would be ok but such is life. He kept pushing me to leave the dog with him so he could train it for me. Not what I want in dog training. I myself wanted to learn how to train the more advanced commands.

I would like to get him into agility but the vets are worried about hip displasia and I feel if that it a problem I will need to wait for a bit to see how that goes. He will be going for another xray at 18 months old to see how his hips look.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It stinks that that one guy is such an ass, I never heard about that. I am sorry he did that to you. I can vouch for Sirus' weight, he stepped on my bare feet enough times. I've still got a hole in my foot from where his claw hit me.