Next my inlaws were over visiting and had left the previous day, my ferrets were playing in a plastic bag from the pharmacy I think it was. when I went to lift Finn out of the bag I noticed a photo in there. No one I had ever seen before. Thinking my inlaws may have dropped it I send them a scan of the photo and they had never seen it before. I suppose the ferrets could have found the photo somewhere in the room. Who knows.
Then sitting in the middle of the living room with no dirt on it, and crumbling to the touch there was a collar. I blogged about the collar on December 10 and December 11th. If you want to read the whole story behind that.
Which brings us to today. I had been looking for the bottle of Pet Calm because I wanted to cut Corky's nails. I could not find it anywhere. I looked on my bed side table. I looked on the kitchen counter, on the fridge, in the kitchen window, on and around my desk. Nothing. After 2 days of looking I was ready to say to heck with it and just buy more. Its onl y $9 a bottle after all. Well I walked back up to my computer to do something and low and behold there is the bottle sitting in a spot on my desk it could not have been missed previously. I normally eat at the computer and it was sitting exactly where I put my dish. You would think I would have noticed it if it had been there all the time. A bit odd
Ken thinks I am nuts. I am begining to wonder myself.
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