Above our Raven RV is seen a little way away from some fallen branches

The above two are photos of the trailer that is an RV away from where we were parked.
Well today was interesting. We were suppose to be going to sign the papers for the pre-approval for the mortgage and it got windy as heck. I guess we were in a tropical depression what ever that means. Our RV was bouncing around like mad, and believe me I was scared. then I heard a big BOOM a tree branch broke off and hit the RV. Ok not a problem that happens in wind. A while later however there was a terrible boom and a huge branch hit our roof hard enough to knock the cover off the light. I went to the office and told them I wanted to move but each place they wanted to put me had more trees so I said forget it. After a bit there was a knock on the door. The guy tells me we are moving. Another bigger branch almost hit us. They moved us around the back where it has less trees. Although it was as windy here it was a lot less scary. We did lose power and have to go to the generator to run the AC but that was about the worst of it. Ken and I played dice games while we waited. I hate wind storms. The dogs didnt seem too thrilled either, they mostly hid in the back or right next to us. When the wind died down a bit I went foraging for food. the hotel down the way was without power and so didnt have anything. On the way back I saw the mobile home 2 trailors over from us. a couple of trees mashed it up pretty good and took out a part of the fence too. It's hard to see in the photos but the tree did quite a bit of damage to the mobile home.
On the good side we found the phone number for a mobile RV repair Called TTS Rv Repairs http://ttsrvsolutions.com and spoke to the fellow there. He was able to get the hot water heater fixed over the phone for us. Of all the guys that we had look at the heater this one actually helped us get it fixed. We now have hot water. Yaa! way to go. I would recommend this guy in a heart beat he was great.
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