Friday, December 12, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
On the trail of the mysterious Collar
I went around the yard while I played with Sirus today and found no obvious dig spots where the dog may have found a 43 year old dog collar from. I had visions of finding dog skulls around the yard.
Strabo seems to be a bit better today, he is moving around his cage again. Its weird there seems to be good days bad days and so so days. Maybe the medication the vet gave him to help with his breathing is doing the trick finally.
Strabo seems to be a bit better today, he is moving around his cage again. Its weird there seems to be good days bad days and so so days. Maybe the medication the vet gave him to help with his breathing is doing the trick finally.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Sirus never ceases to amaze me
I can only hope that Sirus didnt dig up a dead dog tonight. I went downstairs and found a leather collar with a leather leash..well part of a leash attached to it. The dog tags on it say the dog license expired in 1965 and that it had a rabies shot in 1962. I have no idea how the collar and leash part appeared in the middle of the living room. I guess I will have to go check out the yard when I can see tomorrow.
The vets are making a killing off me this month.
Ken was throwing ball for Sirus in the back yard when Sirus stopped playing and wanted to go in. Odd for him for sure. He would whine and limp around and when i went to move his leg he screamed. It turns out that Sirus sub located his hind leg this week. So Xrays and an emergency vet visit later they wanted me to give him Deramaxx and keep him on bed rest. Not a fun thing to do. I will not give him the Deramaxx because of the problems with the medication. It has a high chance of harming dogs and even causing death. He seemed to heal up pretty quick when he was not allowed to play any more. He needs to learn not to launch in the air to get the ball.
The no exercize is driving him insane though. Soon he can get back to normal I hope.
A couple weeks ago kens parents came by and his dad had the sniffles. I got sick shortly after that too and so did ken. I was stupid and never thought that it might cause problems. Strabo came down with a cold and I watched it. He has had many of them. However rather than getting better it got worse. I made an appointment to take him to the vets. He was coughing and having trouble breathing. The vet took Xrays and put him on 2 different antibitics. he also gave him a penicillian shot. The shot caused a bad reaction and I had to run out quick and get some benadryl for him. He was on the antibotics for a week but they really didnt help much so back to the vets we went. They tried him on heart pills thinking it might be congestive heart failure and not pneumonia. The heart pills did not help either. So the next week, again back to the vet and we did more Xrays. the liquid around his heart was getting better so they want him now to do 4 more weeks of antibitics. Today however his cough and breathing got worse again. so the vet now has him on some mediction to help him breath. He is a very sick little ferret.
The no exercize is driving him insane though. Soon he can get back to normal I hope.
A couple weeks ago kens parents came by and his dad had the sniffles. I got sick shortly after that too and so did ken. I was stupid and never thought that it might cause problems. Strabo came down with a cold and I watched it. He has had many of them. However rather than getting better it got worse. I made an appointment to take him to the vets. He was coughing and having trouble breathing. The vet took Xrays and put him on 2 different antibitics. he also gave him a penicillian shot. The shot caused a bad reaction and I had to run out quick and get some benadryl for him. He was on the antibotics for a week but they really didnt help much so back to the vets we went. They tried him on heart pills thinking it might be congestive heart failure and not pneumonia. The heart pills did not help either. So the next week, again back to the vet and we did more Xrays. the liquid around his heart was getting better so they want him now to do 4 more weeks of antibitics. Today however his cough and breathing got worse again. so the vet now has him on some mediction to help him breath. He is a very sick little ferret.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
I noticed today that we sure are cutting down on garbage by recycling. Recycling is something I never did in Victoria because it was to difficult to deal with. It is so nice to be in a place that recycles logically. I have lised a few differences between recycling in victoria (CRD) and here.
Louisvile Recycling:
Recycling day:
Have your recycling out each friday
If you want to sort it that would be nice other wise toss it in the box we give you for free. Clean would be kind of nice to.
Cardboard must be in 2 foot by 2 foot pieces.
Items taken:
Papers, Plastics, Cans etc
CRD Recycling
Recycling Day:
Have your recycling out every 3rd blue moon except if the blue moon falls on a lunar exlips in which case have the recycling out on Pierre Trudeau's grandmothers sisters birthday.
Sorting Items:
Sort objects within a bulk of objects from a heterogeneous population is provided. The bulk of objects to be sorted has an inherent variation, and at least one class, having less variation than the originally inherent variation of the bulk, is separated from the bulk. This lesser variation represents a quality of composition with reference to any organic material of the objects within the bulk. The method comprises the steps of distributing each of the objects to be separated as a separate object in a sorting device; exposing the separate object to energy emitted from at least one energy source; recording from at least one point of the separate object by means of at least one sensor a first multivariate signal; predicting or classifying, by means of a calibration method previously performed on a subset of the population, between the first multivariate signal and the quality of composition, a second signal expressing the magnitude of at least one quality variable of univariate variation; and separating the separate object from the sorting device to the at least one collected class in dependence on the magnitude of the at least one quality variable of the second signal from the at least one point.
(ok I stole this but its damn close to the crd rules)
Items taken:
paper if it has never touched plastic
plastic if it has never touched paper
carbord of its folded into the following origami shapes: horse, cow, cat, parliment buildings.
Louisvile Recycling:
Recycling day:
Have your recycling out each friday
If you want to sort it that would be nice other wise toss it in the box we give you for free. Clean would be kind of nice to.
Cardboard must be in 2 foot by 2 foot pieces.
Items taken:
Papers, Plastics, Cans etc
CRD Recycling
Recycling Day:
Have your recycling out every 3rd blue moon except if the blue moon falls on a lunar exlips in which case have the recycling out on Pierre Trudeau's grandmothers sisters birthday.
Sorting Items:
Sort objects within a bulk of objects from a heterogeneous population is provided. The bulk of objects to be sorted has an inherent variation, and at least one class, having less variation than the originally inherent variation of the bulk, is separated from the bulk. This lesser variation represents a quality of composition with reference to any organic material of the objects within the bulk. The method comprises the steps of distributing each of the objects to be separated as a separate object in a sorting device; exposing the separate object to energy emitted from at least one energy source; recording from at least one point of the separate object by means of at least one sensor a first multivariate signal; predicting or classifying, by means of a calibration method previously performed on a subset of the population, between the first multivariate signal and the quality of composition, a second signal expressing the magnitude of at least one quality variable of univariate variation; and separating the separate object from the sorting device to the at least one collected class in dependence on the magnitude of the at least one quality variable of the second signal from the at least one point.
(ok I stole this but its damn close to the crd rules)
Items taken:
paper if it has never touched plastic
plastic if it has never touched paper
carbord of its folded into the following origami shapes: horse, cow, cat, parliment buildings.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Kathy got shot
Well I guess I took too much pleasure in Ken getting shot in the butt. I went to the foot doctor. He did Xrays of my feet. I do not have bone spurs but I do still have planters fasciitis. He gave me a shot in the bottom of both feet. I also got a prescription for medication and some funky shoes to wear to bed. He said if that does not fix them up I may need to go in for surgery. We can hope it wont get that far.
It was kind of funny. I was telling him what I had done previously to fix my feet and I mentioned the cortizone shots and that I never want another one of them After all the exam and Xrays and everything he goes "well I suggest cortizone" I was like "in one foot right?" and I swear he got an evil glint in his eye as he said no both feet. So much for never again. I must say however his method of the needle didnt hurt half as much as the other one did and I do agree it makes them feel better.
It was kind of funny. I was telling him what I had done previously to fix my feet and I mentioned the cortizone shots and that I never want another one of them After all the exam and Xrays and everything he goes "well I suggest cortizone" I was like "in one foot right?" and I swear he got an evil glint in his eye as he said no both feet. So much for never again. I must say however his method of the needle didnt hurt half as much as the other one did and I do agree it makes them feel better.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Ken got shot
We spent the day out looking for desks and furniture and such. We have a big empty house except for our bed and our computer desks (folding tables. About all we came up with was some shelf units to hold stuff int the computer rooms. I am big on not buying the first thing I see this time around. I did buy some glass baking stuff, cake and bread pans that kind of thing. I want to toss out all the old metal ones that get rusty. I hate that. Ken did get a hair cut today. It turns out I am married to a man after all, amazing whats under all that hair.
After we got home kens foot was hurting so I took him to the hospital. It was sweet. It took about an hour or just over to get in. I got to wheel him around the ER in a wheel chair. Did you know its almost impossible to do wheelies in a wheel chair when the handle keeps popping off? That was a disapointment but I will live. Ken on the other hand just sat there whimpering. I am not sure if it was his sore foot or my driving. I was very supportive however. I told him to suck it up and be a man.
In the emergency room they put him in there was a tv which was good because they have glass doors on the rooms so you cant go and poke into everything in the room and pretend to be Doogie Howser, M.D without the nurse glaring at you, so I got to watch independance day and pretend I was good.
Then, and now this is the good part, a guy walks in and goes 'I got a pain shot for you' stands ken up and 'wham' right in the arse. It hurt so much he forgot about his foot. I tell you the wonders of mondern day medication. I have never seen anyone cured of pain so fast. So instead of sitting there complaining about his foot he sat there complaining about his arse. I figure they should give him one in the foot to make him forget his arse but alas I am not a doctor. After xrays and before the movie ended, much to my annoyance, they decided it was a sprain and sent him home with pain killers and told him to lay down alot. He is good at that although like a kid as soon as he is told to do something he already does he does not want to do it any more.
After we got home kens foot was hurting so I took him to the hospital. It was sweet. It took about an hour or just over to get in. I got to wheel him around the ER in a wheel chair. Did you know its almost impossible to do wheelies in a wheel chair when the handle keeps popping off? That was a disapointment but I will live. Ken on the other hand just sat there whimpering. I am not sure if it was his sore foot or my driving. I was very supportive however. I told him to suck it up and be a man.
In the emergency room they put him in there was a tv which was good because they have glass doors on the rooms so you cant go and poke into everything in the room and pretend to be Doogie Howser, M.D without the nurse glaring at you, so I got to watch independance day and pretend I was good.
Then, and now this is the good part, a guy walks in and goes 'I got a pain shot for you' stands ken up and 'wham' right in the arse. It hurt so much he forgot about his foot. I tell you the wonders of mondern day medication. I have never seen anyone cured of pain so fast. So instead of sitting there complaining about his foot he sat there complaining about his arse. I figure they should give him one in the foot to make him forget his arse but alas I am not a doctor. After xrays and before the movie ended, much to my annoyance, they decided it was a sprain and sent him home with pain killers and told him to lay down alot. He is good at that although like a kid as soon as he is told to do something he already does he does not want to do it any more.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Got my License for Kentucky
I went and got a state license. It was simple. I walked in showed them my BC one, My green card and proof of where I lived. After the $20 fee I had a photo and was done. Now the funny part. I tried to get ken his Placard for disability parking. I showed them the Victoria card, I showed his military papers stating he was perminantly disabled and they refused. I have to go get a doctor who has never seen him before and knows nothing about him to sign a paper and say he is disabled. So anyone can drive but you have to have special permission to park close to the door. -boggle- The woman at the place that did the placards annoyed me. I told her ken would have trouble going to a doctor because he worked during the hours the doctors were open and she asks 'He is disabled and he works?'. It boggles the mind poeople can be that dense.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Are you nuts?
Dave and Betty mentioned that they collect and dry walnuts. well our back yard is crammed full of them. It seems we have the rare black walnuts, and here I thought they had just gone bad. We braved the peeved squirells and went out and collected all the walnuts off the ground and put them in a big big big bucket and popped it into the back of the truck. The walnuts will make the perilous journey to the center of the earth..Oh wait I meant PA where Dave and betty will run over them with a car (don't as me but I guess its the thing to do to ones walnuts) then peel them dry them and make banana bread.
Sirus is going crazy not being able to play due to his stitches but they will come out on the 1st.
We went to a flea market yesterday. I found some of my favorite t-shirts and bought 3. We also got some dog bones but they are not the kind we like to use. Disapointing but its my fault for not explaining to the woman more clearly what I wanted. We will keep trying.
Finding plain marrow bones seems to be a challange in this area. its very odd.
Dave and Betty headed home after a breakfast at Bob Evans. I sure love that restraunt. Its great.
Sirus is going crazy not being able to play due to his stitches but they will come out on the 1st.
We went to a flea market yesterday. I found some of my favorite t-shirts and bought 3. We also got some dog bones but they are not the kind we like to use. Disapointing but its my fault for not explaining to the woman more clearly what I wanted. We will keep trying.
Finding plain marrow bones seems to be a challange in this area. its very odd.
Dave and Betty headed home after a breakfast at Bob Evans. I sure love that restraunt. Its great.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Ken Parents came by
Kens parents came by for the weekend last night. They came baring gifts. Some chairs to sit on, chicken soup and apples among other things. The apples are huge and juicy, they are awesome. So being good hosts we immediatly put the parents to work. Dave managed to fix the front gate so it closes properly. No escaping dogs, YAAAA! Other than that they did a lot of little nit picky things around the house that needed doing which we really appreciate. Dave took some photos of the house while he was here. if anyone is interested in checking them out.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Sirus got fixed and we got internet
I took Sirus in to get fixed today. My poor baby. I hated to do it but I had to. they will keep him over night which will be nice, I can go to bowling without having to worry about him at home alone.
The cable guy came by and hooked up the internet for us. We will get phone the next week. Its nice, WOW worked with no problem at all. The cable man even raised the wire that went over the drive way because it was too low to safely back in the RV. They tell me that AT&T wont release the phone number for some reason or another so we are just going to get a different phone number. We got a better number anyways, I always had trouble remembering the old number.
The cable guy came by and hooked up the internet for us. We will get phone the next week. Its nice, WOW worked with no problem at all. The cable man even raised the wire that went over the drive way because it was too low to safely back in the RV. They tell me that AT&T wont release the phone number for some reason or another so we are just going to get a different phone number. We got a better number anyways, I always had trouble remembering the old number.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Att hooked up our internet and phone
Today ATT hooked up our internet and phone. they booked the tv hookup for saturday. Every time I would log into world of warcraft it would knock the router off line. I called ATT support line and the guy there tells me that WOW has to many files it is transfering and that the only way to play is that I have to lower the wireless down to wireless B. He then goes on to explain to me how wireless B is the same as wireless N and how only file sharers want wireless N. I told him that this was not acceptable and I got a 'too bad so sad' attitude from him. I went to bestbuy and We bought a linksys and tried to get it hooked up to the dsl. It would connect to the internet but it kept highjacking my IE window. It was worse then a virus. After about 2 hours on the phone with the Linksys people the woman told me it was the dsl causing her router software to highjack my IE. Seems these people have no idea what to do to problem solve. At like 3 am I was so mad I made ken call at&t and dish network and cancell everything. Cable will be by on tuesday to hook up the internet and cable. Then the following tuesday to hook up phone since they have to get permission from At&t to get the number ported over.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Feel the Power
We got the new converter installed today, all I can say is Wow! the microwave is working at full power. the coffee maker makes hotter coffee. I guess we have been running on a messed up converter for some time now.
When he came to install the converter he found he bought the wrong toilet. He got the right one ordered so he will have to come back tomrrow and put that in. When he was going to install the toilet he turned off the water and then turned on the bathroom faucets to check that it was off. I guess he left the faucets open, unknown to me. I went and turned the water back on when he left and the sink in the bathroom flooded and was running down the floor. I am going too let him know tomorrow about that.
We have a dinner to go to for kens work tomorrow so I may not get my work out done which kind of sucks but I will go back the next day.
Got laundry done finally. Someone had taken up all 8 washers and dryers. Mind boggling. Corky Barfed all over the rv on Monday I think it was so I had tons of cloths to wash. He was nice enough to hit my side of the bedroom then come out and get the stuff out in the main part of the rv too.
It was sure cool out today. I like the cooler weather for sure.
When he came to install the converter he found he bought the wrong toilet. He got the right one ordered so he will have to come back tomrrow and put that in. When he was going to install the toilet he turned off the water and then turned on the bathroom faucets to check that it was off. I guess he left the faucets open, unknown to me. I went and turned the water back on when he left and the sink in the bathroom flooded and was running down the floor. I am going too let him know tomorrow about that.
We have a dinner to go to for kens work tomorrow so I may not get my work out done which kind of sucks but I will go back the next day.
Got laundry done finally. Someone had taken up all 8 washers and dryers. Mind boggling. Corky Barfed all over the rv on Monday I think it was so I had tons of cloths to wash. He was nice enough to hit my side of the bedroom then come out and get the stuff out in the main part of the rv too.
It was sure cool out today. I like the cooler weather for sure.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Bowling For Peanuts
I worked out again today. It was fun. I went and did an aquatic workout. I really like it.
We bowled tonight. I like the ball that actually fits me. I got a strike and a spare so it must be somewhat better.
We were going to wash the cover for the duvet since it got dirty. When we went to take it out the Duvet was shooting feathers everywhere. We decided to trash it. Finding another blanket was not easy. Corky barfed all over the one we had. We did find the one that goes originally with the rv bed but its not very big. It will last till we get into the house.
We bowled tonight. I like the ball that actually fits me. I got a strike and a spare so it must be somewhat better.
We were going to wash the cover for the duvet since it got dirty. When we went to take it out the Duvet was shooting feathers everywhere. We decided to trash it. Finding another blanket was not easy. Corky barfed all over the one we had. We did find the one that goes originally with the rv bed but its not very big. It will last till we get into the house.
Monday, September 29, 2008
I went to the gym today and met with Andrew the Personal trainer. He has got a work out schedual set up for me and given me some pointers on food.
I also went to get a bowling ball today. Its purle and sparkly. If nothing else the shiny will keep me occupied. Yesterday we got Bowling Shoes and A bowling bag. Now I feel like a professional bowler named bobby-sue.
I also went to get a bowling ball today. Its purle and sparkly. If nothing else the shiny will keep me occupied. Yesterday we got Bowling Shoes and A bowling bag. Now I feel like a professional bowler named bobby-sue.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
New Gym
The fellow came by to look at the Toilet. He will order us the one and install it when he does the converter. Of course by the time he got here it was hardly leaking. Kind of like going to a dentist and the tooth no longer hurts.
After he was here we went to the Wellness center which is a huge gym. After looking around a bit we got a membership. For the 2 of us it was really reasonably priced. We get 2 sessions each free with the membership. I am excited to get started, I really want to drop some weight.
After he was here we went to the Wellness center which is a huge gym. After looking around a bit we got a membership. For the 2 of us it was really reasonably priced. We get 2 sessions each free with the membership. I am excited to get started, I really want to drop some weight.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Some enjoy Excitement. I can live without it.
The fellow came to check the power. He does not have the right part to put in (remember that Perry luck?) So he is going to order one. We should be able to get it in on wed or so. We went to Wal-Mart to shop a bit and when I got home I tried to put a garbage can beside the toilet. I think that did something to it cause shortly later the toilet started to leak...I think we need to put tts on speed dial. He can come by Monday so we have wrapped stuff around the toilet to prevent it from dripping all over the floor and will have to make due till Monday.
I am having a 'bad feet' day today. I don’t know why but my heels really hurt. I am hoping that the shot I got has not stopped working. I guess I cannot complain too much, I have been almost pain free for a while now. Maybe the pain is in sympathy for Sirus.
Sirus had a ball playing today.
I am having a 'bad feet' day today. I don’t know why but my heels really hurt. I am hoping that the shot I got has not stopped working. I guess I cannot complain too much, I have been almost pain free for a while now. Maybe the pain is in sympathy for Sirus.
Sirus had a ball playing today.
Friday, September 26, 2008
A friend of mine said I was jinxed, he just dont understand Perry luck. Today all day and even more so this evening the lights dimmed constantly. The koa guy came out and checked the power and said it was not there. So a phone call to our favorite RV fixit guy at TTS Rv Repairs . He did some trouble shooting over the phone (I love this about the fellow, he is so awesome trying to fix the problem without having to come and charge you money) and then made an appointment to come out tomorrow. It seems our converter may be going bad. I guess it will be about $350 to replace it. If anyone wants to buy an RV I suggest putting $500 a month into a blender with water and blend it up then pour it down the drain. It amounts to about the same thing.
Sirus is feeling better, At least I assume he is, he removed his bandages today and was complaining that he wanted to play. I will take him out tomorrow after the Fellow from the TTS comes over.
Sirus is feeling better, At least I assume he is, he removed his bandages today and was complaining that he wanted to play. I will take him out tomorrow after the Fellow from the TTS comes over.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Sirus is wearing socks
I had found a tenis court to let Sirus play in. it seemed a good idea, it was fully fenced in and big enough to throw the ball far. Well today he played for something like 7 minutes and then he wanted to go home so I loaded him and corky into the truck and took them back to the rv. Sirus got in and layed down. I was concerned that he tired out so fast but he seemed ok. I headed to the store and when I got back I let them out to potty before I went to get ken. Sirus was limping, stumbling and falling. I took him right to the vet and they found he had hurt the pads on his feet, so he now has bandaged feet and is on some medication. I feel just aweful. I never even considered that the ground in the court might be rough enough to sand his feet that bad. When I looked at him his nails were sanded right down. I feel like a bad mommy. He is bouncing around right now because the pills are killing the pain for him so its hard to keep him settled right now. I need to find a nice safe grass field to play in. I just cant wait till we get to the new house. October 10th is the move in day if all goes well.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Ken got me onto the bowling team so we went bowling. It was a lot of fun but it is hard to play this type of bowling. I am used to the 3 pound bowling balls. I am sure I will get the hang of it. Ken played 3 games and got 39 in each game. That is talanted. It made for a long day but it was fun. When I got home I had to put ice on my hand to take down the swelling. LOL I hope that does not last long
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Kens first weekend off
I looked up the bugs we hear in the trees outside the rv they are cicada which have a 13 to 17 year life cycle. They are very vocal and sometimes get so loud that you have to raise your voice to speak. They are huge bugs that are very neat to look at.
We went to the super Walmart, when Kens mom told us to buy food at Walmart I thought she was nuts. All I could think of is the little food sections in the Walmart in Langford. This was WOW.. It was huge a full food store and a full Walmart in one. I was shocked. I spent about 2 hours looking around in the Walmart before we left. We went to dinner at Outback Steakhouse It was awesome and amazingly it cost about the same amount as we would spend at My Choosen Cafe or Jasmins.
We also looked around Best Buy. They have some nice priced computers out there. The quad cores are sweet most come with 6 to 8 gig ram. The problem is of course that it is 64 bit which many programs have problems with.
We looked at RV's today more for fun than anything. Its mind boggling, they have RV's worth more then the house we just bought.
The charger on my gps died so I had to buy another one. I can't live without my GPS its my right arm right now.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Quiet Day
Met Ken at work for lunch today and saw around where he works. the place is huge. We got signed up for a bank so I guess we are on our way to being settled. I went to look for a cell phone but I am shocked at how bad the plans are here and what little options you truely have with them. I am going to have to break down and get one, one way or another I guess. Ken found his talking phone so he will see if they can unlock it for him to use here. After I picked Ken up from work we drove to a butcher, when I called they said they had marrow bones but when we got there, they of course did not. They said they would cut us up some for tomorrow. We walked around the mall a bit but its hard to get into shopping when you barely have room for your own butt in the rv. Only 3 more weeks. I may go insane but I will make it. I found out there is a list of medications you can get here for $3-$5 Totally amazing, there is no way you would see that in Canada.
I went to a petstore called Feeders or something similar and got a bunch of stuff. It looks like it has the food we need which will be good. I did get Sirus a little treat dispensing toy and he loved it but the bugger took about 10 minutes to lose it. How the hell do you lose something that size in an RV? My pup has talent I will give him that. Sat around the RV in the evening and relaxed. I am playing and enjoying Spore but wish I had a better internet line so I could get some WOW time in.
I went to a petstore called Feeders or something similar and got a bunch of stuff. It looks like it has the food we need which will be good. I did get Sirus a little treat dispensing toy and he loved it but the bugger took about 10 minutes to lose it. How the hell do you lose something that size in an RV? My pup has talent I will give him that. Sat around the RV in the evening and relaxed. I am playing and enjoying Spore but wish I had a better internet line so I could get some WOW time in.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Looks like we got us a house
We got the house, they of course counter offered and we accepted. We will be in it by October 10th. That will be so nice. I sat around and did a lot of nothing today. When I picked ken up we went to the mall and had lunch. No luck on finding a phone yet. I need to stop being so picky. Oh well it was fun to get out and walk around a bit. Corky has stopped throwing up since we got him on the authority harvest baked but either Sirus or Corky has gas so bad I want to gag. This is NOT good in an RV. The ferrets are fairing much better since ken has been letting them run around in the room with him while he is on the computer. its not a long play time but they seem to be much happier.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Bid on a house
Well we put a bid on a house. Now comes the haggling. I am pretty sure we will get this one. Its a nice place. over all its very nice. The bus stops outside the front door and takes ken right to work. The VA hospital is like a 6 minute walk from the house to the hospital.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Koa Staff Need People Skills
Well today after I took ken to work I get a knock on the door and a KOA guy tells me I need to 'move back to my spot right away becausee someone is coming in' I went to the office to see which spot they were moving me to and asked, if I paid a little more could I stay where I was. The owner rather rudely informed me that I was a 30 amp customer and those were 50 amp slots. When I tried to explain to him that I had asked for the best/highest amp when I booked the spot and was told 30 amp was highest. I really didnt know. Some things the lower number is the better one. I guess I should have let ken book it, he knows more about this stuff. Anyways I tried to explain to this fellow that I had been miss informed and he started to get very aggressive in his manor towards me. He told me that they didnt have 50 amps available when I calledd in, he again got mad when I told him one was offered to me so they must of had some. He told me the people had booked spots here a year in advance. I mentioned to him that I found that hard to believe since I tried to book a spot a number of months in advance and they told me they would not let me book that far ahead and I had to call back September 1st to book. This mad him really mad. I guess it is embaressing to be caught in a lie. He then goes into a lecture on how people are without power here because of the storm and such, I told him that I felt bad for the people but that was not my fault and that I had prebooked so I should be seeen to before these poeople. So then he starts to talk to me like I am a child "You will go where I put you" So needless to say I am back in 61 where I was before. its a pain because the light from the rv place next door shines in all night so its almost like its day time but I will live with that.
I have to say I was proud of myself I spoke in a calm controlled voice the whole time. He was the one that looked like an ass. I doubt it will do any good but when I leave here I will report him and his rudeness to the KOA head office.
I went out looking at houses again today and found four that look good. One of them is really really nice. Its a little fartherr away but I do like it. We are going to take ken back there when we can and let him look around.
I have to say I was proud of myself I spoke in a calm controlled voice the whole time. He was the one that looked like an ass. I doubt it will do any good but when I leave here I will report him and his rudeness to the KOA head office.
I went out looking at houses again today and found four that look good. One of them is really really nice. Its a little fartherr away but I do like it. We are going to take ken back there when we can and let him look around.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Ken's first day at work
I took ken to work for 8 am this morning. Can you believe not only are people UP at 8 but they are actually outside and moving around? It just goes to show there are a lot of insane people in this world. I went to the DMV to try and get my drivers today. It was closed because of a power outage so I went back to the RV and called them. After explaining things to the lady it seems until I have a permanent address I can not get a drivers. I don't know what we will do with the car. The realtor couple that is helping us with buying a place called and cancelled today due to power outages. Understandable, they look after both her and his mothers, It would be hard to get them settled without power. Corky barfed all over the RV. I mean mega. I feel so bad for him. This food is not good for his pancretitis but there is little I can do. I have looked around for a pet food place but only can find the crappy food places like PetSmart and such. I managed to get our laundry done today and then spent time looking for doggy day cares. most wont let the dogs play together and the ones that do, do not allow intact males so I am out of luck. I am going to get him fixed and I should do it while he is in the RV it will be easier to keep him quiet but he may go stir crazy. I went and looked around a mall today but it was tiny and not so exciting. As I drove around there were trees pulled out by the roots all over the city. They say that some people won't have power for a number of weeks. After getting Ken we went and got some dog food then went out for a bite to eat. We need to find a grocery store and get some food in the RV. Tomorrow I am suppose to be going out to look at more places. I am going to cross my fingers and hope that we can find something. I like the Appletree Home but it is so far out and I dont like the idea of a home owners association telling me what to do. Those are the two main complaints about the place. I tried to play wow tonight but it was just to lagged so I gave up. Oh on a happy note the weather was nice and cool today. I loved that. I also shut Ken in the bedroom with the ferrets and let the ferrets run around till they tired themselves out, they seem happer to be able to do that. I had tried to contact a local rescue to see if they would board the ferrets but they likely have no power or something because they have not written back.
Sunday, September 14, 2008

Above our Raven RV is seen a little way away from some fallen branches

The above two are photos of the trailer that is an RV away from where we were parked.
Well today was interesting. We were suppose to be going to sign the papers for the pre-approval for the mortgage and it got windy as heck. I guess we were in a tropical depression what ever that means. Our RV was bouncing around like mad, and believe me I was scared. then I heard a big BOOM a tree branch broke off and hit the RV. Ok not a problem that happens in wind. A while later however there was a terrible boom and a huge branch hit our roof hard enough to knock the cover off the light. I went to the office and told them I wanted to move but each place they wanted to put me had more trees so I said forget it. After a bit there was a knock on the door. The guy tells me we are moving. Another bigger branch almost hit us. They moved us around the back where it has less trees. Although it was as windy here it was a lot less scary. We did lose power and have to go to the generator to run the AC but that was about the worst of it. Ken and I played dice games while we waited. I hate wind storms. The dogs didnt seem too thrilled either, they mostly hid in the back or right next to us. When the wind died down a bit I went foraging for food. the hotel down the way was without power and so didnt have anything. On the way back I saw the mobile home 2 trailors over from us. a couple of trees mashed it up pretty good and took out a part of the fence too. It's hard to see in the photos but the tree did quite a bit of damage to the mobile home.
On the good side we found the phone number for a mobile RV repair Called TTS Rv Repairs and spoke to the fellow there. He was able to get the hot water heater fixed over the phone for us. Of all the guys that we had look at the heater this one actually helped us get it fixed. We now have hot water. Yaa! way to go. I would recommend this guy in a heart beat he was great.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Day 10 Looking for a House
We got up early today and took Sirus out to play while it was still cool out. He enjoyed it and I think it helped his boredom some. When we got back I spent some time trying to find a doggy day care to take him to during the days. They seem to be lacking them around here. I found one but its like 30 min drive away. I think I will do it this week. The AC was acting up. Just bloody wonderful. I turned it on fan only for a bit and it started to shoot ice all over the RV, much as I appreciated the ice I felt this was a bad thing. Ken called the RV place and found out it was because we ran it on low when it was so humid out. they said high only in this weather. Once the ice blocks were gone it worked well. Sirus thought it was great fun to catch the falling Ice. So glad I could find a simple way to entertain him. We finally found a realtor that took calls on the weekend and was willing to help us get a house quickly. They got us in touch with a loan person for financing and a the realtors that called us are awesome, Becky and Dom Fletcher from Bob Hayes Realty. They have to be some of the nicest people I have met. Don was down to earth honest about everything we looked at. if a house didnt meet his standards he told us. If he saw a problem he told us. Becky was wonderful helping us figure out the bus to kens new work. I don't think I have ever seen any other realtors put so much of themselves into helping us. I would recommend them in a heart beat. They took us to a wonderful mexican restraunt which I added to my GPS as I MUST go back there again. It was out of this world good. They are going to send us some more information about a house that both ken and I just fell in love with. We will look at a few more but I get the feeling we will be living in this house before long. Ken even figured out the bus route for it LOL. When we got home we took the dogs out, Sirus had not eatten anythign amazingly. Tonight we relax.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Day Nine
Its just over a 150 miles to Louisville. We drove on to a Flying J and had breakfast. Over all I have to say how good the food has been at 99% of the Flying J's. We really only had one bad meal at one so thats not bad. After breakfast I went and dumped the black water again, Still not draining. Ken called the KOA and they said they could get us in early so we left the black water till we get there. The rest of the drive was an adventure in itself. It was pouring rain so bad I could barely see the road. We pulled into the KOA at about 1:30 or so and were given a temperary place untill the monthly place comes open. Its superr crowded here and no green space for the dogs. there is some grass across the street that we can take them to but it kind of sucks having to go so far. I guess thats the price of a city KOA. We got the black water problem fixed up with my new hose and poop wand. The hot water heater is still acting up. Oh well such is life. We called for a rental car and they came to pick us up. we rented a biggerr vehicle becausee of the dogs then went to look for a car. The first place we went didnt have what we wanted and I kind of glanced over a few more and nothing. As I was driving down the road I noticed a used car place. we went in there and found the car we wanted. A 2005 Dodge Grand Caravan. I really like it, the seats fold into the floor for the dogs. When we took the other car back, for the 3 hours we had it they charged us $120. I dont think I like enterprise. We got home and found that Sirus ate the face plate on our stereo. It is 100% my fault he is bored and I was stupid enough not to put it away. I cant believe I did that. Oh well live and learn. I never had problems like this in the house its plane and simple boredom. I was mad but at myself more than anything. We went out for a drive around and to find some fix for the internet problem (ken gets on ok but I have trouble) We did not find anything but did find a place to look for dog bones. When I asked the butcher for soup bones he thought I was nuts, in the pet sectioion we did find some bones there. When we got back we gave each of the dogs a bone and they spent most of the night chewing on that. We also took Sirus across the street to play ball this evening. He needs some exerrcize. Corky is not doing well in the heat. Its bad on his heart.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Day Eight
When I got up this morning the rv was cool so I went to turn on the heater, only cold air blew though so we turned it off. The black water tank is still showing full but I did drain it. I guess when they say you cant pack your sh*t in an RV they are wrong. I went into the KOA and bought an addition to the hose that blows water up into it and a wand. Just what I always wanted a sh*t wand. Like I cant make enough of my own. Anyways I tried the thing that lets you spray water up through the hose. it didnt work but it looked real cool. (See through, I got some lumps out...I know you will appreciate the fun of that statement David) I did not want to run a hose through the window and over our bed so I didnt use the wand behind stiring the tank with it a bit (ewwww) it still shows as full. We left the Koa this morning and went to Camping World in hopes of fixing our waterheater and getting our sh*t together. Its was hard as hell to find a place to park. Go figure a RV store with no RV parking. I finally said to hell with it and just parked in the drive way behind the RV's they were selling and made a mad dash for the store. It took a while to get help. as expected they were busy. I was standing at the counter waiting and the guy asks 'Did you want some help?' I felt like saying 'nope I decided to come hold up yhour counter for half an hour' but I didnt. When he finished with his customer came over and spoke to us, then proclaimed the place to busy to help. He finally decided that the service manager may be able to come out and look at the RV. After another wait the service manager showed up. The guy came out and checked the water heater, it does not seem to be getting any gas. Just wanderful. He however said that he could fit us in for service but not for 3 or 4 hours. However as we spoke to him I mentioned the heater not heating this morning and he told me to go try the stove. I ran out through the rain and tested. sure enough the stove would not light. it seems that Aiden laid on the gas sniffer and turned it off. I turned it on and woosh the water heater light. Well red faced I went back in and told the man and ken, After lots of blushing we were on our way. We bought a foam topper for the bed so we could get rid of that big air matteress we had. its very comfortable. I also bought a hose that I can hook to the tap for that wand that goes into the toilet. That should help some. I also bought some face cloths so I can shower properly. We are on the road again. It didnt take to long to get to Chicago this is where the toll roads started. First toll I paid a dollar fifty and thought well thats not bad, I wonder why people complain about it...then we hit construction. Ok not a problem they are keeping the toll roads in good shape it wont go on long. Then I saw a sign Toll ahead. Wait a minute, didnt I just pay a toll? and the construction just ended. So I paid a toll and landed in construction. It went on like that for hours. Toll Construction toll Constrction. By the 5th toll I was getting annoyed, It seems like every time they decide to do road construction they put a toll booth before it. Well we finally got past all that and not a penny too soon. I was running out of coins, The next toll booth I would have had to toss in a ferret. About 7 pm we started to look for a camp ground. We wanted to work on the Toilet some. And check the hot water. I saw a sign that said there was camping just off the highway at about 9:30 or 10. We followed the directions for a while but ended up off in the boonies and no camp ground. The gps kept yelling at me to turn around when possible. Of course there was no place to do that. Finally it told me to turn left ahead. I started to make the turn and ended up on the smallest road possible, there was no way the RV was going down it, and down it was a really steep hill. So here I am in half a turn on an incline and branches so low I can not go forward. I waited till there was no cars on the highway and quicky stepped from break to gas and backed up onto the highway to be facing in the right direction. We went on to the right highway and got back on it. I was so mad I didnt even try to find the campground after that. What is with these places that go "camping" then don't tell you where to go after that? Well we kept looking for a place to stop and by about 11:00 I had given up. I pulled into a rest stop. Most said no over night parking but I didnt even look for the sign. I stopped and went to bed. I was exhausted. To top off the night the hot water tank is still not working and the blackwater tank reads full. I am getting beyond frusterated with this whole adventure.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Day Seven
From Kathy Perry |
We woke up at about 6:30 and got on the road shortly after that. It was a good thing we stopped when we did because there was a note on the highway saying it was closed over night for repairs. Making it through Minneapolis, MN was really easy with the GPS, it took us around the outside of the city which is awesome. When we went this way last time we went down I90 which took us right through the city. We went by Wisconsin Dells at about 1:00 pm and we considered stopping but decided to go on, we ended up stopping about 3 at Madison Wis Koa. They had bike rentals so we rented a 2 seater (side by side) and zoomed around the KOA. We took Sirus and Adian at seperate times for runs. Sirus about pulled us all over the park. While we were over renting the bike though one of the dogs had a case of the runs in the RV.. Yuck! Oh well got that cleaned up. I think it might have been corky he is looking a little under the weather. My poor baby. He is such a good travelor, he sleeps under the table all day. We went to heat the water once we got it all set up and it still wont light so we will need to have someone look at that. I just dont know how to light the pilot. We at least have water. I guess hot water is for another day. Ken got the new locks on the hatch doors. they were not exactly the same so he had to jerry rig them but with the old parts and the new it worked well. If you look at the "day one" you will see how the ferrets cage looks, we built it into the closet, the main problem with this is that you can not open the bottom door on the cage because of the wood bar from the closet, Since we want to sell the rv we do not want to cut it out. Also Strabo can not be put with the other ferrets so that means I have to have the cage seperated into two.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Day Six
From Kathy Perry |
Well we went over to the RV shop and as I expected they did not have time to fit us in. About to leave dejected and saying 'ya that figured' the guy goes ...However.... He got us an appointment at a little shop behind them that does fan belts. and then took us to the RV shop and we got a new sink which ken like a pro installed while we were driving. Damn he is good!. We have 2 door latches on the RV that are broken and everywhere on Vancouver island we called told us we had to replace all the doors as they dont make those any more. Amazingly this place had exactly 2 of them. So ken will be putting them on. They also told us how to fix the hot water heater. DUH a plug was out I didnt know about so it would not heat the water. I am going to fill up with water and then get that going. We did not find a place to sleep tonight so we slept in a truck stop/gas station. Not a bad night but it was warm as heck no heater needed tonight.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Day Five
We got started late today but it was a nice break. My knee has started hurting when I drive more then a few hours so I have had to take a few breaks. I can not put my chair back far enough to stop the pain because of the sofa behind me. I just have to keep telling myself to 'suck it up princess' At lunch we went to stop at a restraunt and when I first saw it I thought it was a dive. broken windows plastic flapping in the wind. It was a Dive (in Glendive city even) I peeked inside and it looked ok so we went in. It was darned good food and I am glad we stopped in. Goes to show you can not judge a book by its cover. We went just under 300 miles and stopped at a KOA again tonight, its the Bismark North Dakota Koa. I am not to impressed with it, you are packed in like sardines and there is little place for the dogs to play, also the internet is sparadic at best.
Sirus is getting a bit better with his upset tummy but he is getting really bored I wish I could help more. Sirus tried to eat kens book reader but we caught him. He needs something to do. I can play ball with him only so much at the end of the day.
Sirus is getting a bit better with his upset tummy but he is getting really bored I wish I could help more. Sirus tried to eat kens book reader but we caught him. He needs something to do. I can play ball with him only so much at the end of the day.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Day Four
Sirus has the runs. Just what we need, I stopped at a petsmart to get some food for the dogs. They did not have any good brands so the dogs are eatting crappy food but at least its food an it will do for now. Since Sirus is being cooped up so much he is hard to handle, I got a pinch collar and asked for help putting it on, neither the manager or the dog trainer knew how to do it and the dog trainer was rather rude to boot. We also went to target and I got spore.
The GPS did get lost today. The whole way here it told me to go down I94 from billings. No sooner did I get to Billings and it wants me to go down I90, no idea why but the I94 route is 50 miles shorter and uses toll roads which tend to be nicer so I went that way. It took a bit but it finally worked. We stopped at the Miles Montana KOA for the night, showered and washed cloths. It was in a really crummy part of town and I was leery of staying there but over all it was a good stay. Lots of room for the dogs, good internet and clean laundry/shower area.
The GPS did get lost today. The whole way here it told me to go down I94 from billings. No sooner did I get to Billings and it wants me to go down I90, no idea why but the I94 route is 50 miles shorter and uses toll roads which tend to be nicer so I went that way. It took a bit but it finally worked. We stopped at the Miles Montana KOA for the night, showered and washed cloths. It was in a really crummy part of town and I was leery of staying there but over all it was a good stay. Lots of room for the dogs, good internet and clean laundry/shower area.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Day Three
Woke up warmer but still cold, we need to figure out the temp to set the furnace at. The dogs are getting bored as are the ferrets. I wanted a little warm water to wash, when I tried to turn on water heater, wont work, I am thinking we have to light a pilot somewhere but I dont know how. The Gas is leaking really really bad now. Kens parents found a place that will help us. By the time we got there he was swamped to it was a 2 hour wait. We showered and Ate while we waited. We finally got in and the hose was not one he had, he also could not find one anywhere. He tried to do about 10 different things but nothing worked. Finally he found a hose but when he got back he found it would not work because it would not stay in the shape it needed to be and would crimp. He took the spring from our old hose and put it around hte new hose. With this on the gas no longer leaks but now we have a chance that it may crimp and not take gas. OH well I guess thats better then leaking. They could not do anything about the fan belts and the squeeky AC. Got on the road and did about 3o0 miles today. Amazing with how late we got going. Stayed at a rest stop. Ferrets didnt get much time out. Played a bit of ball with Sirus, he is going batty.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Day two
I woke up vomiting today, that is not pleasent. Its also cold as hell in here, we figured out how to turn on the furnace thank goodness. I hate cold!!. Went into Walmart and got some pepto to take on the road. Stomach kind of settled. Went to fill up the rv and the damn hose is leaking again. No where to get it repaired we will have to find a place and have them look at it. I fill up with the gas away from the attendants so they don't complain about me spilling gas.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Day One
We got up early and finished loading the RV. Had a bit of a fight to get the ferrets into the closet where thier cage will be. I finally got it after a lot of cursing. It was a bit touchy there as to if we would have room for everything but we made it. Mind you the shower is stacked full of stuff. Oh well we will make it.We got on the road after some tearful goodbyes to Pasha and last minute instructions.
Went to just about Sidney near the ferry and stopped to get gas. The fellow filling up next to us informed me that i was leaking gas. We pulled over to the Mcdonalds across the way and after calls to all the RV places which are right in the area finally called Alpine to come help us since no one else would.
As we waited we ran into Fred, he told me it was Aud that had left the presents for me at Alpine. Well I guess I am down one stalker guy. Oh well it was fun while it lasted. Alpine finally showed up and jerry riged the filler hose on the RV. I filled up and it did not leak. Seems like we are good to go.
We finally got to the ferry after lunch. We missed the one ferry by about 10 minutes, talk about bad luck. Once over the ferry we drove straight to the boarded and went though. I used the peace arch boarder. I think I should have gone through Blaine with the RV since this was a tight squeeze but I didnt know that at the time.
We were through there in 10 minutes. No problems. We drove for a bit and ended up staying at a Walmart for the night.
Went to just about Sidney near the ferry and stopped to get gas. The fellow filling up next to us informed me that i was leaking gas. We pulled over to the Mcdonalds across the way and after calls to all the RV places which are right in the area finally called Alpine to come help us since no one else would.
As we waited we ran into Fred, he told me it was Aud that had left the presents for me at Alpine. Well I guess I am down one stalker guy. Oh well it was fun while it lasted. Alpine finally showed up and jerry riged the filler hose on the RV. I filled up and it did not leak. Seems like we are good to go.
We finally got to the ferry after lunch. We missed the one ferry by about 10 minutes, talk about bad luck. Once over the ferry we drove straight to the boarded and went though. I used the peace arch boarder. I think I should have gone through Blaine with the RV since this was a tight squeeze but I didnt know that at the time.
We were through there in 10 minutes. No problems. We drove for a bit and ended up staying at a Walmart for the night.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Breaks and Gas sniffer.
Well we took the rv in to Alpine at 8 am. Aud drove us back to our place. Its nice to be able to say bye to her. We don't see her often but I will miss her. Pasha drove us back to get the RV at like 4 and this guy that works there comes up and hands me this 2 things but he is talking to someone and does not tell me why he is giving them to me. I was like what the fuck? One was a crystal that says gemini in it and I could not figure out how the hell he knew I was a gemini...Stalker!! We got to Tom's RV too late tol get anyone to do the sniffer. We bought one and took it home with us and installed it. Stove and Fridge now work. However its too damn late to get on the road to we are going to wait till tomorrow.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Rv Troubles
Nothing in the RV is working, this is not good at all. I am hoping its just the batteries. Ken made an appointment to get them changed, finding a place to do marine batteries in an rv is not easy. We took the Rv in and got the batteries changed at Tom's Rv. Wonderful people. Didnt take too long to get it done. I also got s0me stuff for the septic tank, Hoses and such. However we got home and found that the gas stove and fridge among other wont work. Freaked out a bit till we remembered we had to turn on the gas sniffer. We turned that on and it screamed and screamed. It was bad of course. We will try and get Tom's to fix it after Alpine does out breaks. they said 6 hours to do the breaks. Since we are going to be bringing it at 8 am it should be out earlier enough to get us on our way.
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