As I previously posted I broke my ankle and am in this funky boot thing. Well just to make life a bit more fun, I went to see Harry Potter the day it came out and while at the theater I slipped on some junk they left on their floor and fell. I didn't want to hurt my ankle again so I put my hand on the seat to steady myself. The seat was shaky and my hand slipped between the seat and back, pressing the thumb almost double over backwards. I didn't want to miss the movie so I told Ken after we left. We decided to see if maybe it was just sprained so I waited to the next day to see the doctor. Over night my thumb swelled up huge. Well the doctor who saw me wanted me to go to a hand specialist. They were worried that I had hurt the tendons. The hand specialist said he thinks it is broken but its hard to tell.So I have to go back there next Tuesday. The pain is amazing. I am actually taking pain pills for it. I hope they do something soon. I am not sure I can stand this for long.
OH yes I had a sleep study done and have sever sleep apnea. I guess I stop breathing 48 times an hour. Wow.. Anyways when the doctor and the insurance get off their butts I will get a CPAP machine that I wear while I am sleeping.
Ken will thing he is sleeping with Darth Vader. Face mask, boot and hand wrapped up.
OK so back to the disability unfriendly place. Louisville sucks for people that are mobily challenged. I am using the knee scooter to get around. Going to places like stores is a challenge. I have as of yet, and I have used it now for 3 weeks, not found a single door that opens with the press of a button for the disabled.
Most doors are heavy and slim making it difficult to get my scooter through, I would not want to try a wheel chair. Many stores have stairs with no ramps for wheel chairs. One strip mall we use on a regular basis has no disability parking so I find myself trying to get the scooter out of the van while squished between two vehicles. This same strip mall has so few up ramps to get from the parking lot to the sidewalks in front of the stores I find myself parking a long ways a way just to be near the ramp.
When going out to eat I have found restaurants with disability friendly washrooms who have piled unused chairs in the way making it difficult if not impossible to get past them unless you are walking.
Oddly, even the place I rented the scooter from (it also rents wheel chairs) had narrow heavy doors with no auto opening on them.
I do get around but I can say its a pain. I would think that in a place like Louisville the ADA would have long ago made things better.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Big boot
I went to the orthopedic doctor and he took more x-rays. He put me in this huge boot and told me not to put weight on my foot for 3 weeks. after that if its healing well I should be able to put some weight on it. I have concluded that I do not get along with crutches at all. With that in mind I went out and rented a Free Spirit Knee Walker. It is called the crutch substitute and I love it. We had to set up the dog's ramp on the front steps to make it so I can carry it in and out of the house when ken is not home. I used it a bit today and it is great. no more sore hands/armpits for me.

Thursday, June 25, 2009
Well I went to work out on Wednesday after picking ken up from work. My legs were still sore from the weekend but I could walk again (I think I had a reaction to my Physical therapy) anyways I decided not to do any legs at all so I did upper body. What happened next is what I believe happened but I have no real proof. I did this exersize that you put weight on the system and then twist the upper half of your body while standing up. I stopped that exersize before I was done because of pain in my leg and took ken to the rest of the machines he wanted to do. I told him I could not walk down the stairs so we took the elevator and went to the change room. When I took my shoes and socks off my ankle was super swollen. We skipped the hot tub and headed off to the imediate care clinic. They exrayed and I have one maybe 2 breaks in the ankle. So I got an air cast and a referal to a bone doctor next week. Its rather odd because it does ache and such but there is no real pain unless I accidently move it one certian way. So now I am hobbling around like a fool on crutches. What a pain. Today we went to get some groceries and I got to drive those funky carts at walmart.
Monday, June 22, 2009
My ghost has visited again.
Well this is the latests in a string of odd happenings around this house. When we first moved in here we went grocery shopping and bouoght a ton of food. As always Ken carried in all the bags while I unpacked. When I had everything unpacked I noticed there was a number of items I had purchased that were missing. I thought this was odd and asked Ken if he had brought everything in. He assured me he had. I moved the bags around and even shoved all the bags into one bag, I had not missed any in the sea of bags. I went outside to recheck the van and nothing was in it. I came back into the house and there were 4 bags of groceries sitting on the kitchen floor. I asked Ken where he had found them and he denied having put them there. Either he was pulling my leg ot the bags walked in on thier own. Rather odd.

Next my inlaws were over visiting and had left the previous day, my ferrets were playing in a plastic bag from the pharmacy I think it was. when I went to lift Finn out of the bag I noticed a photo in there. No one I had ever seen before. Thinking my inlaws may have dropped it I send them a scan of the photo and they had never seen it before. I suppose the ferrets could have found the photo somewhere in the room. Who knows.
Then sitting in the middle of the living room with no dirt on it, and crumbling to the touch there was a collar. I blogged about the collar on December 10 and December 11th. If you want to read the whole story behind that.
Which brings us to today. I had been looking for the bottle of Pet Calm because I wanted to cut Corky's nails. I could not find it anywhere. I looked on my bed side table. I looked on the kitchen counter, on the fridge, in the kitchen window, on and around my desk. Nothing. After 2 days of looking I was ready to say to heck with it and just buy more. Its onl y $9 a bottle after all. Well I walked back up to my computer to do something and low and behold there is the bottle sitting in a spot on my desk it could not have been missed previously. I normally eat at the computer and it was sitting exactly where I put my dish. You would think I would have noticed it if it had been there all the time. A bit odd
Ken thinks I am nuts. I am begining to wonder myself.
Next my inlaws were over visiting and had left the previous day, my ferrets were playing in a plastic bag from the pharmacy I think it was. when I went to lift Finn out of the bag I noticed a photo in there. No one I had ever seen before. Thinking my inlaws may have dropped it I send them a scan of the photo and they had never seen it before. I suppose the ferrets could have found the photo somewhere in the room. Who knows.
Then sitting in the middle of the living room with no dirt on it, and crumbling to the touch there was a collar. I blogged about the collar on December 10 and December 11th. If you want to read the whole story behind that.
Which brings us to today. I had been looking for the bottle of Pet Calm because I wanted to cut Corky's nails. I could not find it anywhere. I looked on my bed side table. I looked on the kitchen counter, on the fridge, in the kitchen window, on and around my desk. Nothing. After 2 days of looking I was ready to say to heck with it and just buy more. Its onl y $9 a bottle after all. Well I walked back up to my computer to do something and low and behold there is the bottle sitting in a spot on my desk it could not have been missed previously. I normally eat at the computer and it was sitting exactly where I put my dish. You would think I would have noticed it if it had been there all the time. A bit odd
Ken thinks I am nuts. I am begining to wonder myself.
Friday, June 19, 2009
I got the news yesterday that I graduated as a certified dog trainer from the Animal Behaviour College. I wanted to get a certification behind my name to help with my Dog Training business. I am glad to have gotten it all done with. There is a course I want to take in Texas sometime, likley when I am in better shape.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
My birthday
Well my birthday went pretty well. Matthew my middle son sent me the neatest looking dragon. The dragon is wrapped around a crystal ball. I just love it. With the dragon was a birthday card that had this voice on it. It really made my day that he remembered me. Normally Ken has to remind the kids, this year he did not.
Pasha sent me something too but thanks to the post office I will have to wait a little bit for it. I am excited to get it.
We went to Ruth Chris's Steakhouse and it was great. It had the best food ever.
Pasha sent me something too but thanks to the post office I will have to wait a little bit for it. I am excited to get it.
We went to Ruth Chris's Steakhouse and it was great. It had the best food ever.
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